So Then Came The Night - By Dan'l MclLhenny

So then came the night 

Our Sun flew away 

Goodbye ~ clean out of sight 

That’s when busy daytime do’ers 

Settle down to hug their pillows tight 

And ask their teddy bears to kindly calm the light 

Go on now dream, drift off and dream  

Let puppies run in pasture grass  

So tall it’s effortless to hide 

And as you call to draw them in 

They stumble to your side 

 Suddenly you all fall down to rumble 

Like only kids and little doggies do 

Discovering in the tussle 

There’s stink riding on your shoe...ooh! P. U.  

Go on now dream, drift off and dream  

Old Dad’ll clean your sneaker 

Of that dismal discard crud 

Hey, this is only mud - dodged a bullet there 

Whew… another close one!  

So then came the night 

Our Sun flew away 

Goodbye ~ clean out of sight 

That’s when busy daytime do’ers 

Settle down to hug their pillows tight 

And ask their teddy bears to kindly calm the light 

They, ask their teddy bears to kindly calm the light

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