My Life Was Nothin' But Fun - By Dan MclLhenny

Bought this cowboy hat back at age sixteen 

I’ve had it for the rest of my days 

Never the wind lifted it from me 

To set it flyin’ into the sea of sage 

It’s never fallen off in a barroom brawl 

‘Cuz I steer clear of those lively gents 

And arguments in general  

I reckon I’m that level headed that’s all 


Contentment is being up in the saddle 

Riddin’ my ‘ol tabbiano Tim 

Out for mornin’s sunbreak awakin’ 

When them rays come peekin’ through 

As shadows stretch wicked long and thin 

And coolness on Earth bites at my leathery skin  


Ya know . . . I’d do it all over again 

Everything I’ve ever done  

Yep, I’d do it all over again 

Ya see . . . the first time around 

My life was nothin’ but fun! 


Got me this harp when I turned twenty 

So we’ve been a trio forever of three  

It settles us down at our nightly campfires 

How it stays in tune is a mystery 

It sure is a goodin’ - a great compadre to my horse n me 

Where a cracklin’ fire and blanket of stars fit so perfectly  


Ya know . . . I’d do it all over again 

Everything I’ve ever done  

Yep, I’d do it all over again 

Ya see . . . the first time around 

My life was nothin’ but fun 


I may teach Tim how to whistle 

He’s the brightest horse I’ve known 

He’s really fond of my harmonica 

And the songs that yearn for home 

That would sure be somethin’ 

A whistlin’ steed and harp playin’ man 

We could tryout for the circus 

Or Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show 


Ya know . . . I’d do it all over again 

Everything I’ve ever done  

Yep, I’d do it all over again 

Ya see . . . the first time around 

My life was nothin’ but fun

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