As Dinner Comes, As Dinner Goes - By Dan'l MclLhenny

As dinner comes, as dinner goes 

There’s a space in between 

Where pleasantry streams 

Sharing tidbits with slices of life 

At every place setting 

Sits . . . the spoon, the fork, the knife 

Fine implements close on hand 

Beautiful plates of wonderful food 

One can taste through affectionate eyes 

And - water flows freely, the liquid, elixir DeVine 

Beside the Host select, favorite wine 

The sips, the chews, the laughs, the sighs 

The tears of joy and on-point replies 

Friends together again 

Baked and napkin tucked 

Dinner comes, lingers awhile 

Like smiles and surprises just do 

Then dinner bows and hugs goodbye . . . adieu

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