The Crow, the Cat, the Amphibian - By Dan'l MclLhenny

How do friendships ever begin?

Asked the crow to the cat and the amphibian, 

We are nothing alike, as different as…Air or land or water.

Suppose we take our question somewhere to see if anyone else actually knows.

Perhaps, our knowledge might even magically grow into something others will find kind of cool!

The tree said, “your friendship makes sense to me… cause birds rest on my branches regularly,

And cats are accustomed to climbing so high, it worries their humans so…

The fire department comes on the run - to save their felines in distress,

From what seems liken to a scary mess, saved in the nick of time!

While tree frogs come, and tree frogs go with scarcely any mention there!”

“You all have a kinship with me you see,” said the tree with the ample shady decree.

“I’d call it your respective commonality and look forward to our chatting’s again!”

From up to down and down to up we all three make use of the handy hop.

“At least, I’m assuming, you’ll heartedly agree…” while they broad jumped all smiles down the road. 

Then the cat spoke with a curious flair… “I guess we’re flyers too in our own special way!”

And the frog chimed in to quickly assert. “If push came to shove, I’d bet in a flood you two could… 

Swim well enough to save your own souls.”

“Yes” …said the hoppers, the flyers and would be, could be - swimmers too…

Then they all went home to nearby Kalamazoo

To tell their adventure and brand-new news to share with other friends too!

Just how their unlikely friendship began - outdoors in Michigan. 

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